Baltic 22nd Annual International Scientific–Practical Conference

Baltic 22nd Annual International Scientific–Practical Conference BALTPHARM FORUM 2019 (13th–14th April 2019)

Pharmacists as drug experts: their role in health care system


Dear Colleagues,

it is a pleasure to invite you to the 22nd Annual International pharmaceutical conference BaltPharm Forum 2019 on 13–14 April in Kaunas, Lithuania.

This Forum will be dedicated to “Pharmacists as drug experts: their role in health care system“.

We invite Scientists, PhD Candidates, Students to present research findings and scientific ideas at abstacts and poster presentation session.

Participants should fill the Abstract form (attached documents) and send to the BaltPHarmForum 2019 e-mail address:

Deadline for abstract submissions: Friday, March 15th, 2019.

More information:

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