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Invitation for students to join Biomapas academy
WHY SHOULD I JOIN?During the 3-month period you will gain: First-hand industry insights from global expertsBroader understanding of Clinical Research, Regulatory Affairs and PharmacovigilanceA chance to kick-start your professional career by getting an internship offer in BiomapasAcademy stu...

Invitation To On-line „THE VITAL NATURE SIGN“ Conference
INVITATION To participate in the 14th international multidisciplinary conference of life sciences, technologies, biomedicine and physical sciences „THE VITAL NATURE SIGN“, which will be held at 15-16 of OCTOBER (2020). More information see at conference webpage: ...

Seminar „Early development of seedling stress response to seed treatment with component-controlled cold plasma“
Project P-LJB-19-6 „Early development of seedling stress response to seed treatment with component-controlled cold plasma“, the Bilateral (Lithuania-Japan) cooperation program, Lithuanian Research Council. SEMINAR PROGRAMME 2020.03.05 VMU Agriculture academy, Universiteto str. 8A, room 214, Akade...

Lecture of visiting professor from Presov University (Slovak Republic)
On 3rd December 2019, Associated Professor Ruslan Mariychuk from Department of Ecology, Faculty of Humanites and Natural Sciences, Prešov university (Slovak Republic) is visiting Faculty of Natural Sciences, Vytautas Magnus University in frame of Erasmus+ teaching program. Assoc. Prof. Ruslan Ma...

Contact with Nature during Childhood could Lead to Better Mental Health in Adulthood
Almost 3,600 people participated in a European study on the impact of green and blue spaces on mental health and vitality Barcelona, May 22, 2019-. Adults who had close contact with natural spaces during their childhood could have a better mental health than those who had less contact, accord...

3rd International Conference on Life and Environmental Sciences “Smart Bio”
The 3rd International Conference on Life and Environmental Sciences “Smart Bio” will be held on May 2-4, 2019 in Kaunas, Lithuania. Oral and poster presentations will be held in VMU Small Hall (S. Daukanto Str. 28), Faculty of Natural Sciences, Plant and Animal Laboratory Corps (Ž. E. Žilibero S...