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We invite you to the virtual Thermo Fisher Scientific Science Day!

On 10th of November the traditional Thermo Fisher Scientific Science Day event will take place. This year, we invite you to meet virtually - you will hear the latest reports from researchers from a virtual audience and, what is very important, we will have the opportunity to communicate, ask quest...

For students interested in environmental protection – an inclusive practice

International consortium TWIN-PEAKS and Vytautas Magnus University Energy Security Research Center are organizing two month pratice (October-November) during which you will have the opportunity to gain experience in working with experts in this field. Participants will work on an authentic...

VMU International cooperation department invites students to participate in the competitions for exchange studies and traineeship!

We would    like to inform about the ongoing exchange studies and traineeships competitions abroad and the “Erasmus Days'21”, which will take place on September 21st, 22nd and 23rd. During the “Erasmus Days'21” students will be able to get more information about the exchange opportunities. The foll...

Thermo Fisher Scientific Nominal Scholarship Competition 2021-2021

“Thermo Fisher Scientific Baltics” UAB in cooperation with Vytautas Magnus University invites      1-year masters students from VDU Faculty of Natural Sciences to prepare Master final thesis at the Company. Favorite students selected to prepare Master final thesis at the Company will receive Thermo...

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