Invitation to the 29th International Scientific-Practice Conference “HUMAN AND NATURE SAFETY 2023”,
Dear colleagues,
It gives us immense pleasure to invite You to the 29th International Scientific-Practice Conference “HUMAN AND NATURE SAFETY 2023”, which will take place in Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania, 10–12 May, 2023. The annual conference “HUMAN AND NATURE SAFETY” is organized on occasion of the International Days of Health, Environmental Protection and Occupational Safety & Health.
The aim of the Conference is to discuss interrelated human safety & health and environment protection problems, present the results of the newest research and to create opportunities for scientists and young researchers to share the research results not only among researchers and students, but also between farmers, agricultural experts, representatives from forestry and other sectors. Also, to promote a safe, healthy, and environmentally friendly lifestyle.
Sections of the Conference:
- Biosystem Engineering
- Environment and Health
- Ecology, sustainable forestry
- until 17th February 2023 – registration
- until 10th March 2023 – publication submission.
Scientific articles will be published in the selected papers of 29th International Scientific-Practice Conference “ŽMOGAUS IR GAMTOS SAUGA 2023 / HUMAN AND NATURE SAFETY 2023”. Edition of the selected papers is indexed by Central & Eastern European Academic Source (EBSCO).
Chairperson of Organizing Committee – dr. Gediminas VASILIAUSKAS
Tel. +370 689 77015;
Conference administrator – Nijolė POŠKIENĖ
Tel. +370 37 752357;
Conference e-mail:
Conference website:
Conference events will be organized in-person.
We would appreciate if You share this information with everyone that might be interested in participation.
Looking forward meeting You in the 29th International Scientific-Practice Conference “HUMAN AND NATURE SAFETY 2023” at Vytautas Magnus University.