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Baltic Summer University

This summer, Vytautas Magnus University invites students from all over the world to visit Kaunas and attend the courses of Baltic Summer University. The courses start on July 15. ...

Baltic Summer University

This summer, Vytautas Magnus University invites students from all over the world to visit Kaunas and attend the courses of Baltic Summer University. The courses start on July 15. ...

Baltic 22nd Annual International Scientific–Practical Conference

Baltic 22nd Annual International Scientific–Practical Conference BALTPHARM FORUM 2019 (13th–14th April 2019) Pharmacists as drug experts: their role in health care system   Dear Colleagues, it is a pleasure to invite you to the 22nd Annual International pharmaceutical conference BaltPhar...


INVITATION To participate in the 13th international multidisciplinary conference of life sciences, technologies, biomedicine and physical sciences „THE VITAL NATURE SIGN“, which will be held at 16-17 of MAY (2019) in Small Hall of Vytautas Magnus University (S. Daukantas str. 28, Kaunas, Lithuania)...

3rd International Conference on Life and Environmental Sciences “Smart Bio”

Dear Colleagues, As the Chairman of the 3rd International Conference on Life and Environmental Sciences “Smart Bio”, I would like to make an open invitation for this conference. The 3rd International Conference on Life and Environmental Sciences “Smart Bio” highlights the following scientific ...

Researchers of Vytautas Magnus University Response Visit to Kharkov

Prof. Dr. (Habil. Proc.) Ona Ragažinskienė, Vice-President of the  Lithuanian Pharmaceutical Association, Head of the Scientific Sector of Medicinal and Aromatic plants of the Botanical Garden of Vytautas Magnus University Prof. academician habil. dr. Audrius Sigitas Maruška, Head of Open Acc...

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