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Opportunity to participate in Cyprus Wildlife Research Institute with Erasmus+

Cyprus Wildlife Research Institute (, a nonprofit nongovernmental organization established in north Cyprus with a focus on the protection of local species and habitats. In the attachment below, please see the Catalogue of Internship placements that are offered by our conservati...

Invitation to the Common and Little Terns: a seminar coupled with a field visit and a conference

LOD LifeTerns seminar invitation 18-19 10 2023 LOD LifeTerns Final Conference invitation 20 10 We warmly invite you to participate in two upcoming international events organized by the Lithuanian Ornithological Society, focusing on the protection of Common and Little Terns: a seminar coupled wi...

Thermo Fisher Scientific Nominal Scholarship Competition 2023-2024

Nominal scholarship for Masters terms and conditions VDU 2023-24   “Thermo Fisher Scientific Baltics” UAB in cooperation with Vytautas Magnus University invites      1-year masters students from VDU Faculty of Natural Sciences to prepare Master final thesis at the Company. Favorite stu...

Transform4Europe invites the teaching staff from all universities of the alliance to take part in the Innovative Teaching Award contest. 

  Transform4Europe invites the teaching staff from all universities of the alliance to take part in the Innovative Teaching Award contest.  Eligible practices include good practices in the following categories (more than one can be chosen): the growth of students’ entrepreneurial mind...

Competition for Scholarships for Scientific or Artistic Achievements

  Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) announces a competition for scholarships for the scientific or artistic achievements of VMU students, which aims to encourage students to pursue scientific or artistic activities at the University. One-off scholarships for scientific or artistic achievements ...

Invitation to the conference “International Conference of Young Scientists on Energy and Natural Sciences Issues”, May 23-26

Lithuanian Energy Institute (LEI) and Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry (LAMMC) invite you to participate in the 19th International Conference of Young Scientists on Energy and Natural Sciences Issues (CYSENI 2023). This year the conference will be held in Kaunas,...

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